Saturday, September 3, 2011

Season 1 Episode 3 ('Charlie X')

Seriously? This one starts out with an adolescent awkwardly learning about how to deal with the opposite sex, and also involves supranatural mental powers wreaking havoc. Is that all this show was ever about? So far, we're three for three with episodes touching on sexuality, and also three for three with episodes that feature malevolent beings with strong powers of the mind/ESP.

I have always considered Gene Roddenberry to be someone who was all about, y'know, the more progressive aspects of sci-fi. Not sure why, that's just kind of the vibe I always got, when people spoke of him. I assumed that Star Trek was going to be basically a different hard sci-fi concept examined through the lens of optimist secular humanism, each ep. Instead, I'm getting a very Cold War paranoia-vibe as far as the nature of superior powers, and an obsession with intra-gender relations.

Which is fine, mind you. I've enjoyed all three eps. But it's really running counter to what I expected.

As far as this episode specifically goes, the guest-star gave a really solid performance, again, which was fun. In general, while it was totally in the realm of B-level stuff, it was also really well done. I'm a bit sad that Final Solutions have so far tended to be the only solutions achievable; once again, I could imagine an ending that was a little less pessimistic and drastic.

Watching Shatner be non-ironic is really cool. I don't think I've seen him act as an actor, instead of an actor being Shatner, ever. Even in my memory of the movies, there's always a certain awareness of himself as a cultural icon with a certain set of characteristics he has to play off of and against. So far, he hasn't exhibited that artificial sheen in these episodes. I am wondering if he took up that mantle after the original series ended, or if he's going to start that shit before it's done. I look forward to finding out.

Random tally: 3 episodes about sex n' ESP, 3 episodes with no Scotty, 8 2oz shots of Aristocrat vodka again, 1 hangover finally killed with the hair of the dog, an uncountable number of phasers dematerialized and then restored to existence with the help of ancient magical peoples, and a shit-ton of actors who look like they walked off of Gunsmoke and put on Star Fleet uniforms.

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