Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Season 1 Episode 23 ('SpaceSeed')

More of the same, in that it was an overdone sci-fi plot done as well or better as one would expect from a TV show in the 60s. Interesting in that it revolved around eugenics; I just heard a show on WRIR last week about the birth-control chick that ended up involving discussion of the eugenics movement in the early 19th century.

The Enterprise discovers a starship full of cold-sleep cats from the 1990s. They end up being ubermensch guys who were the result of a eugenics program that led to the last world war on earth. Fun stuff.

As all genetically superior beings must be, they are kind of douchebaggy and don't care about souls or people or any of the glorious things that we, as Americans/members of the Federation who aren't Vulcan, care about. So there's some fightin' and some disagreein' and in the end, they end up losing to us glorious soul-filled people who know what's what as far as important shit is concerned.


Random stats: Diet Mtn Dew with scotch, one, with ginger-infused vodka one, with reposado tequila two, with water one; straight reposado one, and straight scotch one. Amazingly, feel reasonably good NOW, after watching the ep, after feeling bad all day. The healing powers of alcohol are awesome in their might.

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