The Enterprise is on the way to deliver 'medical supplies' to a planet with a plague (dude, that has to be the most common plot in all of sci-fi) but they stop to investigate a quasar or pulsar or some other -sar (I can't remember) that was a beautiful neon green. A shuttle crewed by Spock, Bones, Scotty, a chick, a black guy, and a couple of crackers, heads out to check it out.
The shuttle ends up stranded without contact with the Enterprise on a planet inhabited by 'giant' fuzzy-guys who throw spears and rocks and stuff. A cracker ends up dead, and Spock's callous obsession with logic leads to tempers flaring, so mostly, they bicker about how inhuman he is, and how they all want to make stupid emotional choices, for the majority of the episode. Meanwhile, some Federation muckity-muck is riding Shatner's ass, because he wants the Enterprise to abandon searching for their missing shuttle and get the med supplies delivered.
The day ends up being saved by a 'completely human emotional action' on the part of Spock. Yay! The episode ends with an incredibly forced thirty seconds or so of laughter on the bridge of the Enterprise, which was also a yay moment, in the same sarcastic tone of voice.
Good episode. Nary a Cold War trope in sight!
Random statistics: Three glasses of Tullamore Dew, one burrito from Alamo BBQ, two cringeworthy attempts to make normalish-sized dudes look ten feet tall, a bunch of very inaccurate spear-chucking, and a good time was had by all.
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