The Enterprise is informed of a miracle-food crafted by a former acquaintance of Kirk so they rush there, only to find that there a.) is no miracle food, and b.) the former acquaintance thinks that some Shakespearean actor is actually Hitler-in-hiding. Not actually "Hitler" per-se, but a guy who ordered half of a colony's population slaughtered so the other half could survive.
I don't want to be all spoilery, but the Hitler-guy is in fact the guy he's suspected of being. This episode was interesting because he was both burdened by his past, and also a bit unapologetic. The Hitlerization of his character is a bit incomplete; it's hard to tell if he was just a guy in a position of power who had to make a choice, and did make it, even though it sucked, or if he just a douchebag who killed a bunch of people he was predisposed to hate, when it was convenient. They at first suggest the latter, but his own statements suggest the former, and nobody really gainsays him.
Which was nice. I mean, not that the arbitrary killing of people is nice, but it's nice that it's sort of left up in the air. The only definitely wrong person in the whole thing is Hitler-guy's daughter. And blaming her for her wrongness is problematic. I'm not a big fan of grey-areas for their own sake, but this episode hit that sweet spot where we got the moral grey and still got closure. It was satisfying.
Random Statistics: 1 mini-bottle of cognac because I sell the shit now and I thought I should know about it, 2 PBRs at a Frank Turner show because my friend Fontaine is awesome, 200mL of Early Times whiskey because it was a long walk home, and some more Irish vodka (man, that sounds wrong) cuz' there was a Star Trek episode to watch. Yeah, that was just my booze and what I did with my night. I can't think of any other things to say, I'm kind of drunk.
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